Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hump day link session.

I've been spending the majority of my day cleaning the house (I know, who'd have thunk right?! I am, believe it or not, a bit of a "clean freak" or as I call it "someone who doesn't like to live like an animal or a grunge guitarist") so I haven't really experienced much to rant about today, therefore links to the max! I could indeed have a moan about the job situation in this country but at this stage that seems a bit redundant... pun intended.

I love sexy tattooed girls. I love sexy girls without tattoos too, I'm not prejudiced like that.
Sexy tattooed girls gallery (SFW) ...kind of

Apparently there's a range of Metal Gear Solid inspired clothing out now. I like some of it, but I love wearing military style clothing, I always feel tactical, I feel like I'm fully prepared, you know fashion wise, should the apocalypse occur while I'm out buying a bottle of cheap rum or picking up a score bag.
Metal Gear Solid store Peace Walker clothing line

So someone decided they were going to make a list of the best places to visit if you want to get shitfaced without being judged and decided to include various events from around the world where at certain times excessive drinking is encouraged and yet this person decided to exclude the great nation of Éire. A country where I find I'm able to get dangerously drunk 5-6 times a week and no one bats an eyelid. Here's the pointless article in question in case you want to have a look at what lengths people have to go to in order to overindulge in other countries.
10 best drinking events/festivals

Yesterday I forgot to include a proper quote/scene of the day so today I'll try to make up for it by including two.

One of my favourite plotlines from Curb your Enthusiasm. Jeffs reaction to the accusation the nurse makes is priceless. Enjoy.

"Give me her goddamn number, I'll go over there and twist that ass up Larry!" I find Leon very hit and miss but when he's good he's actually funny.

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