Friday, April 8, 2011

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark...

That something is the fact that I don't have any of these to hang on the wall of my fuck-laboratory or wear around my neck like a goddamn sandwich board while I'm walking around shouting esoteric insults and non-sequiturs at strangers and motherfuckers on the bus. The following images are from an upcoming exhibit in New York on the 27th of this month (my birthday coincidentally) in some goddamn art gallery. The exhibit in question is titled 'Quentin vs Coens'. I won't include all of the images, just a few of my favourites, but I will include a link or two below them where you can view a wider selection of Tarantino and Coen brothers inspired pop art.

Quentin vs Coens gallery 1
Quentin vs Coens gallery 2

I don't advocate violence towards women but bitch had to know she was about to chow down on a fresh knuckle sandwich. You can't wake a sleeping man like that, we're like tigers, ready to pounce even when we're unconscious. Captain skidmarks in the brown t-shirt is clearly rethinking his stance on practical jokes now too.

On a related note, here's an old clip that I still haven't gotten bored of yet, I love it every time...

Boom, Plainview'd motherfucker.

I really want to meet this guy, I bet he'd be hilarious to watch in action. I also believe it is too good to be genuine.
Douchiest phone message in history

'Quote of the day' has evolved from a mere quote to 'quote/series of quotes/video/scene of the day' depending on how I'm feeling. Here's todays...

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